Monday, January 27, 2014

Hyperemesis Gravidarum- Part 2

When I found out I was pregnant the second time, I knew I needed to change doctors and find one that took HG seriously.  Luckily I found an amazing OB and she treated my HG promptly and aggressively.

She started me on Zofran tablets that dissolved on your tongue.  I couldn't swallow pills without throwing up.  I will also point out that I'm weary about taking medications most of the time, especially during pregnancy.  However, I had to make a choice- take medications to ease the nausea enough to eat enough to sustain me and my babies, or end up in the hospital and be fed TPN through and IV.  So I chose to take medications.

Once I had lost more than 20% of my body weight from throwing up so much, she put me on strict bedrest.  She told me I was at the point of needing a PICC line.  We had already tried Zofran several times a day, with little success.  I tried Reglan, which I would take 30 minutes prior to eating and it was supposed to prevent vomiting.  It worked, however, I had a severe reaction to it and couldn't take it any longer.  I tried the Unisom/Vitamin B combo with little success as well.  The last straw before sending me to get a PICC line put in was to try a steroid taper in hopes that it would increase my appetite.  It worked better than anything.  I barely dodged getting a PICC line.  On a side note, I have read many success stories about ladies with HG getting PICC lines.

I have talked a bit about the physical toil that hyperemesis took on me, but what about the emotional and long lasting effects?

HG has absolutely determined the size of our family.  I do not want to be pregnant again with HG, and the odds are that I would have it in future pregnancies.

I felt very alone while suffering from HG.  Though my mom, dad, and Thomas supported me, very few other people did.  I was treated as if I was overreacting.  Most people (especially women) acted annoyed with my condition.

Long term physical effects are easily getting nauseated, decrease in overall appetite, a hernia, enamel from my teeth being stripped, and still feeling weak overall (though this could be attributed to stress as well).

The reason I'm sharing this story is because hyperemesis gravidarum is serious.  Women can die from this.  Their unborn babies can die as a result from HG.  It's not just morning sickness.  Famous author Charlotte Bronte is believed to have died from HG.

And not only is it serious, often requiring numerous hospitalizations and medications, it is isolating.  So few people understand or have seen what HG does to the women who have it.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Hyperemesis Gravidarum- Part 1

Hyperemesis Gravidarum.

Most people have never heard of this term.  Hyperemesis Gravidarum (also known as HG) is defined as severe, debilitating nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.  It is a rare pregnancy complication that affects an estimate of less than 2% of pregnant women.  When describing what HG is, you must also realize what it is not.

It is not just morning sickness.

It is not fixed by eating saltines and ginger.

It is not something where you can just "suck it up" and deal with it.

I had HG with both of my pregnancies.  Though I was so thankful to be pregnant with my children, my months of being sick with HG were some of the lowest in my life.  I was severely, severely sick.  I'm not talking about a few weeks of nausea and some throwing up.  I'm talking about throwing up 20+ times a day, constant and unrelenting nausea, losing more than 20% of my body weight from malnutrition, being admitted to the ER for severe dehydration (multiple times with each pregnancy), and all this for months on end.

My first pregnancy I was belittled and told I just had bad morning sickness.  I heard it all.  Try ginger or saltines.... Women have dealt with morning sickness for a long time, you can too....  It'll pass after the first trimester....  I was mocked by some co-workers and criticized for taking medications for it.  During the pregnancy I was diagnosed with HG by a doctor in the ER, only after being admitted to the hospital several times for severe dehydration.

I would be admitted to the hospital and given IV fluids and Zofran.  It would always take several people to get an IV started because I was so dehydrated that my veins would blow out in the process.  I hate needles and would sob as they stuck me time after time.  I would generally start feeling a little better after a couple days of IV fluids, but once they let me go home, the uphill battle would begin all over again.

I would force myself to eat toast or crackers or whatever I could stand, only to have it come back up minutes later.  Not even water would stay down sometimes.  I sometimes slept on the bathroom floor because I was too weak to walk there from the bedroom.  Thomas would occasionally find me passed out on the floor from throwing up so much and have to carry me to the bed.

I was throwing up so much that it eroded parts of my esophagus, pulled muscles in my chest, stripped enamel from my teeth, and I developed a hernia.

This was all during my first pregnancy, when I was pregnant with Declan.  I was extremely sick up until the day he was born.  The hour after Declan was born, I happily and willingly ate a full meal for the first time in 8 months.

After Declan was born, I was scared to ever try to get pregnant again.  Everyone would tell me that each pregnancy was different and maybe next time I wouldn't be as sick.

Unfortunately, those who have had HG know that you are likely to have it again with future pregnancies.

Just 5 months after Declan was born, we found out we were expecting again, and this time with twins.  The HG returned almost immediately.

And I began my second battle with hyperemesis gravidarum...

Friday, January 17, 2014

Miller- 9 months (6 months adjusted age)

Miller had his 9 month check-up on Wednesday.  He turns 9 months on the 22nd, so it was a bit early but we timed his check-up for when his RSV shot came in.  I did not want to make two trips to the pediatrician office by myself with both boys when I could get it all done in one visit.  Plus, we had the doctor check Declan's ears and for the first time in almost 2 months, his ears are clear!  Hallelujah!!!

I cannot believe that Miller is almost 9 months old!  Gosh, the time is flying.  He weighed in at 18 lbs 2 oz and was 27 inches long (50 % ile in everything).  He is right on track with his adjusted age (age from his due date), 6 months, and even hitting some 9 month milestones.

He has been rolling over both ways for a while now.  He is sitting up with little assistance.  He is getting up on all fours and rocking.

He is sleeping pretty well, in my opinion.  He usually goes to bed around 8:30 and sleeps about 11 hours.  He is taking one long nap during the early afternoon (about 1 and 1/2 hours) and two cat naps (around 30-45 minutes) mid-morning and around 6 pm.

Baby food has become a much loved thing for Miller.  He loves eating baby food.  His favorites are prunes, sweet potatoes, carrots, and pears.  He pretty much likes them all though.  Bananas are probably his least favorite but he will still eat them.  He is eating a full jar of fruit in the mornings, a full jar of veggies in the afternoon, and a little bit of rice cereal before bedtime.

He is still in size 3 diapers.  He is wearing mostly 9 month clothing and occasionally some 12 month size pieces.

His little personality is really coming out.  He is starting to get mad if Declan takes a toy away from him.  He is a little fiesty sometimes!  Most of the time, though, he is really calm and easy going.

Some things he loves are his exersaucer, his big brother, watching the Food Network with mommy, eating baby food, being held, and smiling!  Some things he doesn't love are being kept awake when he is sleepy, loud or startling noises, diaper changes, and when Declan takes a toy away from him.

And now some promised pictures!

Me and my boys at the pediatrician office.  Side note- you can see how short my hair is now!

Miller standing up with a little help from mommy.  He loves standing up and bouncing!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Weekend Review

Wowzers.  This weekend flew by.  I have been getting my days mixed up due to lack of sleep but I think I remember them well enough to document the weekend.

Friday, I took my mom to the doctor.  Actually I drove her there and then made the brave (or dumb) decision to make a grocery run by myself with both boys around their nap time.  It wasn't too bad, although it did take me about 10 minutes to get the boys out of the car and into the shopping cart.  I had to put the shopping cart cover on (germs on the carts freak me out... well, germs in general freak me out!) and get Declan in that and put Miller in his baby carrier that I wear (similar to an Ergo).  Of course it started raining as soon as I opened the car door.  Once we got inside, things went pretty smoothly.  No major meltdowns.

Saturday, Declan developed a terrible terrible diaper rash.  Bright red and bleeding a little.  It made me want to cry, it looked so bad.  He's been on so many antibiotics over the past couple of months for ear infections that he developed a yeast diaper rash.  Poor little guy.  A prescription cream and using water soaked cotton balls instead of baby wipes has made a noticeable difference.

Sunday was supposed to be Thomas' day off but in an interesting turn of events he ended up working.  They also changed his days off to Thursday and Friday.  So by the time Thursday rolls around he will have been working almost 2 weeks straight without a day off.  He is worn out.  And so am I.  It will be nice for him to have two days off in a row.  That's pretty unusual in his line of work.

I went to a baby shower for my dear friend Maris yesterday.  Miller tagged along with me and did so well.  He smiled and giggled at everyone and while Maris was opening gifts, he fell asleep on my lap.  Maris got a lot of super adorable things for her baby girl!

I need to post some pictures soon.  I take a million pictures a day of the boys but I never seem to find the time to put them on here.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thursday randoms

*As of late Friday night, Declan is on his 6th ear infection in a month.  Seriously cannot wait for his ENT appointment.  The poor little guy is having such a hard time with his little ears.  Breaks my heart.

* Looks like Miller will be wearing a head-shaping helmet for a few months.  More details on that later.

* I have a problem with putting away laundry.  Ugh, I hate putting laundry away!  I don't mind washing, drying, or folding it.  But putting it away in the closet or dresser is a dreaded chore for me.  Which is why I have 4 laundry baskets of clean, folded clothes needing to be put away.  It's at the top of my to-do list tomorrow.

* We discovered this week that Declan loves carrots.  Finally, we have a veggie that he will happily eat.  Carrots are my favorite veggie too, so we always have them on hand.  I made some delicious homemade carrot fries this week.  It may be a new staple on our dinner menu.

* Speaking of food, we have done really well about eating home-cooked, unprocessed foods this week.  Last night we had chicken stuffed with pepperjack cheese and coated with lime zest and bread crumbs.  Yummy yummy.

* This was originally titled "Sunday randoms" and here it is now Thursday.  That's how hard it is trying to find the time to do extra things.

* A really good job opportunity within his company has presented itself for Thomas.  Please pray that this pans out.  It could be really good for our family!

* I think we have watched "Cars" about 40,000 times in the past week.  With the temperatures being extremely low this week, we have been couped up and going a little stir crazy.  "Cars" immediately calms Declan down no matter what!  He loves it.

* I recently went through the boys' clothing and toys.  Boy oh boy they had a lot.   I am keeping several of my favorite outfits and am planning on (someday) making quilts for them.  Mind you, I have never before made a quilt but with Pinterest at my fingertips I'm sure I can find some kind of "quilt making for dummies" tutorial.

* I recently went through the hundreds of pictures of Miller and made a Facebook album.  I'm planning on making a picture album of his first year sometime this summer.  Speaking of this, I cannot believe my little Miller man will be NINE months old this month.  Gosh, the time is flying.  People always says this but it is so true.

Friday, January 3, 2014

New Years Eve and Resolutions

We had a super low key New Years Eve this year.  We were supposed to ring in the new year with our friends Abbey and David, but a double ear infection for Declan led us to stay home.  This was the 5th ear infection in a month for D, so next step is going to see an ENT and possibly have ear tubes put in.

We were in bed by 10 and then Miller woke up right at midnight so I rang in the new year with my little cuddle bug.

I am kicking off 2014 with a drastic hair cut.  I decided to chop off my hair and went with a stacked bob (think Victoria Beckham haircut).  It is so different from what I'm used to!  I can't put it up in a ponytail if I'm having a bad hair day or running late, so I have to style it everyday.  Luckily it's requires very minimal styling.

I have never really made new years resolutions before, but I figured I'd give it a try this year.  Here they are-

1. Eat healthier.  Me and Thomas especially.  The boys eat healthy, but we need to lead by example.  This includes fewer processed foods, less eating out, and more veggies and fruits!

2.  This has to do with #1, but I want to cook more.  I do not enjoy cooking and get discouraged very easily if what I'm making turns out less than stellar.  I want to enjoy cooking but I doubt that will happen.  I will settle for not dreading it though.

3.  Spend less time using social media and more time enjoying the little moments with my boys.  Instead of scrolling through Instagram while I'm feeding Miller a bottle, I want to be soaking up every second of holding my baby.  Instead of mindlessly surfing the web on my phone while Declan plays, I want to be on the floor playing with cars and building blocks with him.  These moments are all too fleeting.

4.  Spend more time reading God's word and in prayer.  This is a big one.  I notice a big difference in my day if I spend time with God that morning.

So there you have it, my resolutions for 2014!