Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday randoms

We had a house guest this week for a couple of days.  A sweet black lab named Jack.  Declan loved him, as you can see in this picture.  Those two were so cute together, running around and playing.

I've been wanting a good picture of me with the boys.  Easier said than done.  This picture was the best out of the dozen that we took.  Haha.  Maybe this Sunday we will get a good one.  We are all going to church together and the boys have new Christmas outfits.

I took both boys to the pediatrician today, with the help of my mom (thank goodness!).  Miller got his RSV shot and flu shot.  And Declan got a flu shot and the two vaccines that they were out of at his 18 month checkup.  So now Declan is up to date on vaccines and doesn't have to get anymore until age 5.

Miller had a physical therapy appointment today and it went well.  His PT hasn't seen him in about a month and she said she can see some improvements.  Made me feel good since I work with him every day.  Miller has infant torticollis.  Declan had this too, as an infant.  Basically it means that the muscle that connect the breastbone and collarbone to the skull is very tight and they tend to tilt their heads because of the tightness.  Declan went through 2 rounds of physical therapy and it eventually corrected.  Miller will see a PT once a week and be assessed for a head shaping helmet.  Because babies with torticollis tilt their heads, they tend to favor one side and the pressure from turning a certain way for so long can cause a flat spot on the back of their heads.  Miller's head is rounding out more now since he is sitting up more and prefers to lay on his tummy, therefore relieving some pressure off the back of his head.  We will still have an assessment to see if a head shaping helmet will benefit him.  I read somewhere that roughly 1 in 250 babies have torticollis and BOTH of mine do.  My dad had it too.  It's interesting.

This little guy is growing so much!  I've noticed that it's getting harder to carry him in his carseat because he is getting so heavy!  Today at the doctor, he weighed in at 17 lbs.

Happy Friday!

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