Friday, March 14, 2014

Five for Friday

1.  This song.  Lately I have been hurting a lot, missing Lucas so much it hurts to breathe.  I have been dreaming of him.  I have been longing to hold him so badly.  Longing to kiss his perfect face.  Longing to rock my baby to sleep.

People often say things like that I should just be thankful for what I have here, meaning Declan and Miller.  Trust me, I am ever so thankful for them and their health.  But that doesn't mean I won't miss Lucas like crazy or that I won't grieve for the things I am missing out on with him.

What I am so thankful for, more than ever, is that someday I will get to see Lucas again.  I will get to hold my baby.  I will get to see him, perfectly healed and perfectly happy.

2.  This is how Declan watches Cars now, with his toy cars lined up on the TV stand.  His favorite part of the movie is the first racing scene and he makes his cars race too.  It's so precious.

3.  Declan has acquired a taste for ketchup lately. I love ketchup, so I completely understand, however some of the things he wants to dip in ketchup are too much even for me.  For example, in the picture below he dipped his cinnamon maple crunchies in ketchup.  Yuck.

         Doesn't Miller look so cute in the background with his helmet?

4.  We are addicted to a new TV show- Parenthood.  It's so good!  I can't binge watch TV shows like I used to but we try to squeeze in an episode or two a night.  Between discovering Parenthood and new episodes of Once Upon a Time starting last week, I'm happy.

5.  We are finally starting to get some nicer weather.  Hallelujah!  I'm so ready for spring.  And with spring time, comes Miller's and Lucas' birthday, followed by Declan's birthday.  And then mine.  And then Thomas'.  We have April, May, June, and July covered in the birthday department!

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