Saturday, March 29, 2014

11 months

The little guy turned 11 months old on the 22nd.

This month was eventful for Miller.

He got RSV and was hospitalized for a couple of days.

He got a cranial band to help with his plagiocephaly.

He visited the NICU where he spent the first 7 and 1/2 weeks of his life.

He got diagnosed with asthma and we got introduced to the world of steroid shots, inhalers, and nebulizers (like this cute little panda one his insurance provided).

He weighed in at almost 19 lbs at his last appointment.  He is still in size 3 diapers.  He is in 12 month shirts and 18 month pants.  Long and lean!  He wears size 3 shoes, although the boy still goes barefoot or just with socks most of the time because he takes his shoes off and tries to chew on them.

He is taking about 5-6 bottles with 6 oz of formula each day (a total of 30+ oz a day), plus 2-3 meals of baby food (usually fruit in the morning and a veggie in the evening).  We are trying to introduce some textured foods like Gerber puffs, bananas, mashed potatoes, avocados, etc. but it's not going too well.  He has some mild oral aversions.  He is going to be meeting with a speech therapist soon to address this.

He is crawling much better and even getting up on hands and knees more.  I think he will be pulling up on stuff soon.

We are treating his asthma with an nebulizer (breathing treatment) or inhaler and the occasional steroid shot if it gets bad.

Some things Miller loves:
*trucks and cars
*squash and sweet potatoes
*going on walks
*laughing with his big brother
*when I sing to him
*bath time

Some things Miller doesn't love:
*diaper changes
*getting dressed, especially if it involves long sleeves shirts or socks
*when his nose is stuffy and I have to suction it with the bulb syringe
*loud or startling noises
*getting a breathing treatment
* having to sit still

We love you Miller man!  We love watching you grow and learn.

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