Thursday, August 22, 2013

4 months

This little guy is 4 months old today!

We had his 4 month old check-up this morning.  Little man now weighs 10 lbs 9 oz and is 22 inches long.  He is still in size 1 diapers and 3 month size clothing.  He rolled over for the first time yesterday during tummy time.  His doctor says developmentally he is around where a 3 month old should be, so that's ahead of schedule for him.  His corrected age (from his due date and what doctors go by until 2 years of age for preemies) is 1 and 1/2 months.

We have been given to ok to begin using rice cereal in his nighttime bottle.  His doctor says this should help with his acid reflux and maybe even help him sleep better.  Speaking of sleep, he is now sleeping 5 hour stretches most nights.  He is more active and awake during the days now.  He loves when we talk to him.  He will smile and coo at us.

Miller loves to cuddle.  He is very content when someone is holding him.

He is now completely on formula and eating 4 oz every 3-4 hours, except at night when he goes about 5 hours between feedings.

Flu and RSV season are coming up, so soon we will be cooping up at home for the winter and early spring.  RSV is very serious for preemies since their lungs are more immature and continuing to develop.  Luckily, Miller has been approved to receive the RSV shot which greatly decreases his chances of getting it.  Speaking of being cooped up, we have been sticking around home lately due to a recent outbreak of whooping cough (pertussis) in our zip code.  Raising a preemie comes with a lot more precautions, but we will do whatever we have to do to keep Miller man safe.

Declan has taken a recent interest in Miller, wanting to hold him and kiss his head.  It's super cute.  We don't let him hold him, but we help him put his arms around Miller and he will lean over and give him a kiss.  I have been trying to capture a picture of it, but I never get my camera ready in time.  I love my boys.  I am so blessed.

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