Saturday, September 7, 2013


  • Wednesday night was spent at the Minor Med with Declan.  One minute he was fine and next thing I know he was running a fever of 103+, even after taking Tylenol.  My little hyperactive crazy man was so calm and listless and I was so worried about him.  After an hour or so at the minor med, watching Stuart Little (which was a hit with D-man), we were told that he has a virus and a pretty nasty ear infection... again.  Second one in a month!  So Miller packed up and spent the night with my parents to avoid him getting sick too.
  • I heard the song that was sung at Lucas's funeral on the radio this weekend.  Oh my heart.  I was so emotional.  
  • So I really want a cat.  So does Tom.  We know this is not logical right now with 2 small children.  Still, I want a kitty!  The best pet I've ever had was my cat Simon.  I had him for 15 years.  I loved that little critter.  Maybe someday we'll get another cat, but not now.
  • I am eager to get our dining room all fixed up, but I can never seem to find the time to do it.  I would love for us to all sit down as a family at the dining room table to eat dinner.  I am hoping that this weekend will allow some free time to get some things like this done.
  • Speaking of eating, Declan has recently decided that he will have nothing to do with a bib.  He pulls them off right away if I dare to put one on him.  It wouldn't be such a big deal if he didn't also recently decided that he wants to feed himself with a spoon or fork.  Little man gets food everywhere!  Oh well...  I'm pretty sure no one has ever said that the toddler years are mess free.
  • It's interesting how different kids are.  For example, I know nothing about struggles to wean a baby off the pacifier because Declan gave his up willingly at 6 mths and Miller is pretty much done with pacis now, at 4 mths.  Neither one really loved them during the few months they actually used them.  However, sleep issues have been a BIG struggle with Declan since about 6 mths and are just now getting better.  I have some friends who have a heck of a time weaning their baby off the paci, but their kid sleeps like a champ.  It's funny how different kids are about different issues.
  • I say this every single time I cut my hair, but never again will I cut my hair above my shoulders.  I should know by now that this length just does not work with my hair texture.  The guy who cut my hair even thinned it out but it is still fluffy and thick.  It takes even longer to style at this length than it did when it was twice as long.
  • Double strollers are expensive!  I am looking for a second one so that my parents can have one or just for a backup.  We were graciously given a hand-me-down double stroller from one of my friends that is in great condition.  And bonus, the carseat Miller uses clips in the stroller.  So easy!  Most of the more inexpensive options are strollers with seats that are side by side instead of tandum.  I don't like that as much because it just seems bulky.  Here's hoping to score a deal on a second double stroller!
  • Last random thought for this post.  Promise.  I have noticed I use an excessive amount of exclamation points.  I probably need to tone that down. 

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