You can tell what Thomas' thoughts on putting together the bed were. It took both of us about an hour to get it put together. It was a pain.
Declan tested it out. He decided that he approved, but only after Cookie Monster joined him.
2. Today is World Plagiocephaly Awareness Day. I had no idea until I saw some of my new plagiocephaly mom friends on Instagram post stuff about it.
3. I found this picture of Lucas and me, taken on my dad's cell phone. This was the first day I got to hold Lucas, on my birthday. I got to hold my sweet boy only 3 times in his short life, the last time being when he passed away in my arms. I truly miss him more than words can express.
4. I am going shopping at a children's consignment sale tomorrow, so fingers crossed I find some good deals. Both boys are going through a little growth spurt, especially Miller. He is now in almost all 18 month size clothing, except for a handful of larger 12 month shirts. Declan is still in 2T shirts, but I've noticed that his 2T pants are getting a little snug. I'm hoping to score some great deals on pants for D, outfits for M, and maybe even some cute smocked outfits!
5. I have been praying a lot about my role as a homemaker and stay-at-home mom. I love being home with my boys and wouldn't change it, but I have to admit that I do not like some other responsibilities that fall on me. I really don't like cooking. I don't like cleaning. I get very discouraged when I cook something that just doesn't turn out right. And let's be honest, my clean standards have had to come down a little bit since having 2 babies to take care of. I really want to do a better job, as this is my role in my family.
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