Monday, May 19, 2014

Weekend Review

My good friend Heather works at a photography studio here in town and took the boys' pictures on Saturday.  The boys were not in a great mood and were very distracted, so I was sure that we got no good shots of them.  But Heather is super talented and got some great pictures!

Usually Miller is my smiley boy and hams it up for the camera, but not this day.  Declan was all smiles and Miller was pretty serious.  I think the flash bothered him too.

This next picture cracks me up.

On Friday, Miller had a helmet appointment.  The doctor was super impressed with his progress.  He has improved so rapidly that the doctor thinks he will be out of the helmet by the end of next month.

I found one of Miller's preemie onesies while cleaning this week.  I put it next to one of his current onesies and you can really see how much he has grown over past year.  The preemie onesie used to be too big for him!

Lately, they have been pulling out every single book and puzzle we own.  They think it's hilarious.

And about 80% of my day now consists of refereeing these two.

We have been enjoying some nice days in our new kiddie pool.

The longer Miller's hair gets, the curlier it gets.

My best friend Katie and her boyfriend are in town, so we all went to the zoo yesterday.  We had a great time!  Declan walked almost the entire time and he loved seeing the animals.

Declan's favorite animal, the wolf.

Family pic.  Miller looks thrilled.  He did well, but I think he's just a little too young to really enjoy the zoo.
This was the first time Declan had a great time.

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